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@wibble @AuthorJMac @Uddelhexe

About photography, I sure see the fun in there. From what I know, it also started out with trying to imitate what oil paintings did, but sure now it feels like its own thing, serving different purpose than paintings etc. (But ok that's probably because the idea to show reality through paintings got switched over to photography, or at least partially. Like scientific illustration is still a thing. People still buy painted portraits etc.)

Kanrei replied to Kanrei

@wibble @AuthorJMac @Uddelhexe

With AI it feels kinda hard though to see what is AI and what is not. I sure find it more and more difficult to differentiate. Sure when one uses AI one can actually even see which AI or model might have been used for a picture.
People using AI might even try to give it off as human made picture.

When photography came out, it sure looked different than paintings.Thus not really trying to be the same thing?

wibble replied to Kanrei

@kanrei @AuthorJMac @Uddelhexe Sure. It's something to worry about. But maybe it always has been. Earlier today I was reminded of the poet David Jones, who wrote:

"When the technicians manipulate the dead limbs of our culture as though it yet had life, have mercy on us."

That was 63 years ago. And here we are.

Still, to the original point of why AI seems to rob our lives of fun, that's more a question of who's got the money - they've always robbed our fun, one way or another.

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