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@AuthorJMac Microsoft pushed some sort of AI assistant on my computer in the last update. I went looking for directions for nuking it. I don't want it. I didn't ask for it. I didn't give permission for it to be installed. I wanted to remove it.

Many people are asking the same question online. And in every case. there's a flood of answers along the lines of "get used to it; it's the future" and "it's good for you, stop complaining" and so on.

Those are not the correct answers.

1 comment
Joanna Maciejewska

@W6KME Exactly.
The other day I had a thought that with everyone pushing for AI, the company that advertises that AI is _optional_ and/or easy to switch off is going to win my business and business of many others.

Also, when AI finally takes over the world, we're both going to be nuked for this conversation. ;)

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