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Corporate Henchman

@ludicity I don't even know where to start here. Our org has absolutely power-shovelled well north of $100M into internal AI product development and exactly 0 of them are in any kind of operational state, let alone production.

One team's been working on deploying a single linear regression for about 4 years, and are still trying to morse code "data fucked, product owner quit, bomb our location" back to the parent org.

Also have about a 1:300 DE to DS ratio which tells you all you need to know.

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Corporate Henchman

@ludicity I'm a smoking rabbit because I would literally be stomped to death by our exco for even exhaling slow enough for it to sound like a sigh when someone mentions a new AI opportunity, so strong is the fear of dissent.

The only slightly lesser sin is suggesting things like product management and data fundamentals might be more critical to good outcomes over carpet bombing AI into everything.

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