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Raghav Agrawal

@ludicity Lol dude I love your writing style, have been binge reading your blog since an hour and wow after years it feels coming across an actual human being in tech.

Such a respite from the usual corporate "thought-leadership"

1 comment
Raghav Agrawal


Just read the tech jobs article and I feel like some of these resources might be helpful to find orgs that fit your criteria

This is a list of Worker-Owned Tech Cooperatives Worldwide

This is a job board specifically for climate tech

and this is a directory of open source scientific software in areas of climate change, energy, biodiversity and natural resources


Just read the tech jobs article and I feel like some of these resources might be helpful to find orgs that fit your criteria

This is a list of Worker-Owned Tech Cooperatives Worldwide

This is a job board specifically for climate tech

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