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Andreas K

@ludicity The LLM output of the articles sounds a bit passive-aggressive, can you adjust a bit your prompt for the blog post?

Ok, that joke was tasteless, what I literally hate is that EVERYTHING under the sun nowadays is called an AI. You know, things that 5–10 years would just go by “algorithm”. Or “heuristic”. Today for marketing purposes the same f%cking two if statements are already “AI”.

Andreas K

“you outsource your decisionmaking to the thing that sometimes tells people to brew lethal toxins for their families to consume? What does that even mean?”

You might be on a good trail here.

Management in your average company has been usually outsourced to the people just clever enough to feed themselves in public without embarrassing the company.

Andreas K

@ludicity Sorry, I know that even a decade as an IT consultant gives too small a sample, but that's my conclusion.

A little bit more than a decade ago, I just started at a company that makes toll systems, and as it happened, in the first week I had the privilege of listening to the 2 hour “state of the company” speech given by the C-idiots.

Andreas K

@ludicity At the start the big picture: e.g. observations like video-based systems are the future, no complicated setup, no need for devices in the cars, bla bla.

In the second hour, more concrete measures and how they apply to the company: downsize the video camera engineering group by 90% down to 2 engineers, we'll ask our competition to sell us their proprietary video tech on the cheap instead of continuing to develop it in-house.

Andreas K

@ludicity 🤷
Considering such great strategic vision, nobody even questioned rumours that the CTO had problems navigating the office numbering on our floor the next day. But hey, I'm sure he could compete in genius level with Elon.

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