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Thomas 🔭✨

@ludicity Good read.

"...these tools aren't good enough (yet) to assist me with this seriously."

LLMs will never have the ability to design software or help designing it, as they cannot be creative (there's no thought process involved).

Training them more and more or adding more computational resources will not change this. It's a bit like with Mr. Creosote in the Monty Python sketch.

1 comment

@thomasfuchs @ludicity
I wouldn't say "never"

They're great at "solving" (regurgitating answers to) problems that a human has already solved and that were scraped into the training data, but they're useless at problems not in their training dataset.

So LLMs should be useful at designing software provided some data annotator in India has already done the work for the specific prompt you're requesting.

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