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@ludicity as someone in cybersecurity, I can say that you are correct that zero trust has meaning, but that meaning is not how people who develop products treat it.

Ludic 🧛

@TindrasGrove Good to know! It's interesting because I really am not a sophisticated actor in the security space, but it's still quite obvious when some people are full of it. Although, of course, I'm sure slightly more savvy grifters sneak past my detectors.


@ludicity I think there’s some significant overlap in our fields (especially when it comes to who is actually using the not-snake-oil), so there’s some amount of transferability in BS detection skills.

Last week I went to a local data analytics conference, and the talk I got the most out of was the one person who said “you don’t need AI for any of this!!”


@jamie @ludicity yessss

The people who try to sell zero trust as a product, not an architectural philosophy, seem to mean SSO, but ✨fancy✨

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