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Bruno Nicoletti

@ludicity Good stuff and pretty much where I’ve been for a while now. The grift around LLMs is infuriating. With a few exceptions, I immediately distrust anyone who talks about “AI”.


@bjn @ludicity The grift-hopping is what gets me.

Hardly anyone notices these quantum blockchain AI grifts collapse, because the new grift is already there to distract people.

It's a bit like a virus that mutates, and occasionally it mutates to something that grows big, sucks in billions and billions of investor money and just gives it to somebody else without creating anything of worth.

What a weird system. Too bad the last two iterations are literally burning the planet in the process.

Bruno Nicoletti

@ludicity My only quibble with it is that I’m quite sure you don’t need the last sentence in the opening section. Righteousness needs no forgiveness.

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