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Matt Lewis

@inlovewithpda Ooh, a Pocket Reform. I don't suppose you could try my Pygenda app on it? The Pocket is one of the target devices I have in mind (but I can't justify buying a pile of devices just for testing!). Unfortunately there's no flatpak or distro package at the moment, just the package on PyPI, but that shouldn't be too tricky if you're comfortable on a command line. Let me know if you'd be willing to give it a try.

Matt Lewis

@inlovewithpda Thanks! This being Linux, instructions are a bit dependent on the disto & the packages installed. The following should be generic & safe:

In a command prompt, create & activate a Python virtual environment in the venv-dir directory:

python3 -m venv venv-dir
source venv-dir/bin/activate

Assuming no errors, install Pygenda:

pip3 install pygenda

Watch the progress indicators. Run Pygenda:

python3 -m pygenda

It should run in a window.

Matt Lewis

@inlovewithpda The default settings (font sizes etc) will probably not be ideal, but that can be fixed with a suitable config file.

After exiting Pygenda, you can exit the virtual environment with:


And delete it (along wih the installed Python packages) with:

rm venv-dir -r

That should leave everything as it was originally.

Let me know how you get on!

in ♥️ with PDA

@semiprime I get a unable to create directory /home/nasendackel/venv-dir/bin/activate

Matt Lewis

@inlovewithpda Oops, sorry, I wasn't clear. The first set of instructions should be two lines. So:

python3 -m venv venv-dir

And then:

source venv-dir/bin/activate

Entering it all on one line has probably also created a "source" directory, which you can delete (as long as you didn't already have anything in such a directory).

Matt Lewis

@inlovewithpda OK. I think the best thing to do is to install pycairo from the package manager. This will depend on the distro. If you have a nice GUI for package installation, search for pycairo in there.

in ♥️ with PDA

@semiprime on debian this is python3-cairo?
still get the error

Matt Lewis

@inlovewithpda That's the package. However, I realise that since we're installing in a virtual environment, it will try to install its own pycairo.

Since you're on Debian or similar, let's try a different approach. In a new command prompt, install packages that Pygenda depends on:

sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 fonts-dejavu

sudo apt install python3-gi
python3-icalendar python3-dateutil
python3-tzlocal python3-num2words

Then install Pygenda:

pip3 install --user pygenda

@inlovewithpda That's the package. However, I realise that since we're installing in a virtual environment, it will try to install its own pycairo.

Since you're on Debian or similar, let's try a different approach. In a new command prompt, install packages that Pygenda depends on:

sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 fonts-dejavu

in ♥️ with PDA replied to Matt

@semiprime this will break a lot of stuff, because installing libgtk removes waybar and more packages

Matt Lewis replied to in ♥️ with PDA

@inlovewithpda OK, don't do that then. That's odd though, because according to Waybar depends on some gtk3 packages.

You can either stop there (you've already given me useful information) or assume that you have some gtk3 installed (for Wayland?), and skip that step - just install the other dependencies.

in ♥️ with PDA replied to Matt

installing with pip3:
error: externally-managed-environment

Matt Lewis replied to in ♥️ with PDA

@inlovewithpda Away from my PC so I can't test, but I've seen this on PostmarketOS. Add 2 options to the install command:

pip3 install pygenda --user --no-deps

--no-deps tells pip3 to not install any depencies. The --break-system-packages sounds scary (probably on purpose) and permits pip3 to install in environments with other package managers. It's safe here as "--no-deps" means only Pygenda is installed, & there's no Debian Pygenda package to conflict with.

in ♥️ with PDA replied to Matt

@semiprime works. No I have to find the shortcut to make a screenshot :)

in ♥️ with PDA replied to Matt

@semiprime here we go with real screenshot. looks great

Matt Lewis replied to in ♥️ with PDA

@inlovewithpda Brilliant! Thanks. So, I have have a few things to add to the docs, which is always useful. I'm also interested in feedback on the app itself - particularly from people who are familiar with the Psion apps that inspired me.

in ♥️ with PDA replied to Matt

@semiprime I looks great. I honestly will not use it much, because I just get my appointments on my phone.

Matt Lewis replied to in ♥️ with PDA

@inlovewithpda Don't worry, I'm not going to insist that you make it your daily driver 😉. In principle it can be set up to sync with a server and hence a phone, but I still need to smooth a few things out with that. I was thinking more if you had any particular things that you did on the Psions, I could make sure I had similar fuctionality.

in ♥️ with PDA replied to Matt

@semiprime ok. I will give it some love. I really love the layout

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