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Erin Kissane

@marshray @powerllama The Bsky apocablock is really double-edged, but blocking always removes your ability to respond to posts about you—even here, people talk shit from behind blocks and that’s sort of how it has to be for blocks to exist. (I wouldn’t dispute that there’s plenty of toxic behavior over there. There’s a lot here, too, but it’s often less visible.)


@kissane @marshray @powerllama I was about to reply along that line, I think the apocablock (love that term) has its points and issues.

As Erin notes it’s more visible there because BS has more “virality” to it, which leads to a lot more “the avalanche has already started, It is too late for the pebbles to vote.” moments.

Apocablock doesn’t “delete” your posts. It removes you from my “living room”.

Marsh Ray

@Wraithe @kissane @powerllama This is an example of person re-posting me to their followers.

Then, after a pile-on of insults against me, she blocks me.

Whose “living room” is that?


@marshray @kissane @powerllama In this case it would be hers.
She retweeted a post of yours, you replied, she blocked. Conversation ends.

Your post isn’t deleted, it just breaks the thread. I’m looking at it right now using a tool.

There’s a good thread here explaining the motivations behind the apocablock:

TL/DR: it’s to prevent “brigading” (a tactic used heavily by the alt-right on Twitter for anyone who doesn’t know)

@marshray @kissane @powerllama In this case it would be hers.
She retweeted a post of yours, you replied, she blocked. Conversation ends.

Your post isn’t deleted, it just breaks the thread. I’m looking at it right now using a tool.

There’s a good thread here explaining the motivations behind the apocablock:

Marsh Ray

@Wraithe Sure, I’ve heard that justification before.

Here the “brigading” by toxic jackholes with dumb insults was solicited by the same person who employed blocking to prevent reply.


@Sharksonaplane I'd love to see Mastodon/Fedi prioritize safety in a way that makes marginalized ppl safer.

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