@kissane That wasn’t the old bargain anyway. I don’t remember expecting to reply to magazine articles, book authors, or journalists except through very complicated means (physically mailing the publisher asking them to forward a letter), & except in letters to the editor where I might have a chance, I never had an expectation of the public seeing it.

I remember the first time I even heard of the internet, my coworker said he could message Douglas Adams on USENet & I lost my mind. This is the NEW bargain, with mixed results. This is a mixed use space. Let an author of words set boundaries for the kind of space they intend to create for themselves & not force one group’s use case onto everyone. Let us choose!

One last point: The US Constitution also granted us Freedom of Association, one we forget, but no less important. No one is guaranteed a right to speak to me. Instead I am guaranteed a right to choose who I want to sit next to and who I care to listen to.