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Erin Kissane

@alter_kaker Yeah, having some posts not federate at all kinda works as a private room inside the big galaxy, which seems like a start. My preference is always for the ability to create and dissolve private or more-private spaces on the fly, so I’m always hoping for that as an end-state.

Yeshaya Lazarevich

@kissane right. But at the same time, different types of interaction need different affordances (thank you for teaching me this word! ), so how can we make it possible to share a unified identity across all those?

Yeshaya Lazarevich

@kissane I guess I'm mixing two different issues here, and you might not want to be talking about both at once

Erin Kissane

@alter_kaker I think it’s mostly that I’m extremely sleepy so I’m going to tap out until tomorrow!

Erin Kissane

@alter_kaker I am “I never stop thinking about what Livejournal got right” years old but I think being able to finely and flexibly control groups and lists who can see posts helps a lot—in the LJ model anyone who could see a post could converse freely in the comments (unlike in Mastodon’s followers-only mode) turned those spaces into little pop-up committees with their own social norms. But there’s a lot to think about, for sure.


@kissane @alter_kaker That is exactly what I was thinking about when thinking about reading and writing access on this subject earlier. Wasn’t sure if it was both too mainstream and too old to cite, though…

And having seen LJ snark communities in action…yes, it can absolutely be abused. Bur so can group chats; to stop a group of people from being dicks ever you have to get rid of the people, first.

The other danger of drawing from LJ is pulling in roleplaying accounts.

UkeBLCatboy replied to Jay

@WhiteCatTamer @kissane @alter_kaker huh??? What's wrong with people enjoying roleplaying?? I don't really ever do it myself but I know people who enjoy it, I don't get the danger?

Or do you mean something different then I think?

I know some fandom people who like roleplaying as their fav characters for ships etc basically just fanfiction/fun with other fans (me not really, I prefer just writing fanfic 😂), what's the danger?

I'm confused ... 😕

Or is there some other meaning?

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@kissane @alter_kaker yes I miss that granularity of post lists.

I miss Livejournal. It was great being able to decide who could reply or even see my posts.

I liked the group accounts as well.

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