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Jason Scott

A few years ago, a kid mourning his dad handed me over 300 DVDs his dad had made of local bands in his London Suburb in the 2010s before passing on. He didn't know what do with them. I did. All of them are up at Internet Archive, hundreds of hours of cover bands playing in a bar, and now, thanks to a volunteer, Ducky, we have them all with dates and descriptions, where known. Enjoy.


Youve honored this memory so beautifully.


@textfiles What happened to the DVDs once you uploaded them?
Do you have a physical archive as well as a digital one?

Cluster Fcku

@textfiles With all respect to the kid, the dad and the dedication to archive a remarkable collection, did these bands consent to have their work published online and also exposed to the maelstrom that is AI? Or are we in an era of "we see it, we feed it"?


@textfiles Amazing work! Wonder how the kid is doing today.


@textfiles this post made it to my feed and wow, I had no idea the internet archive was anything other than than just the webpage indexing part. Very cool.

Jason Scott

@emdecy Over 100 petabytes of not just the wayback.

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