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Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

Mastodon has features to limit discovery and visibility, but it really needs features that allow everyone to see your shit but only some people to reply.

And if you can't immediately understand a use-case for that, then you need to stop and think about why that is.

Mx. Luna Corbden

@Wolven This would do a great deal to eliminate this base assumption (which I have battled many times and failed) that if you post something, anybody else has the right to engage you and demand that you interact. For me, personally, this is the most annoying reply guy behavior I’ve seen on Mastodon. Posting is not itself an implicit invite for debate, “criticism,” insults, derailment, or failed jokes, and this feature would allow posters to set that boundary in a way that clearly demonstrates replying is a privilege not a right. Those posters who don’t set it have a sign to tap, “I let you reply and now I’m saying your particular reply is rude and you don’t have a right to be rude.”

@Wolven This would do a great deal to eliminate this base assumption (which I have battled many times and failed) that if you post something, anybody else has the right to engage you and demand that you interact. For me, personally, this is the most annoying reply guy behavior I’ve seen on Mastodon. Posting is not itself an implicit invite for debate, “criticism,” insults, derailment, or failed jokes, and this feature would allow posters to set that boundary in a way that clearly demonstrates replying...



Hubzilla or Streams has that kind of functionalities

Fco Javier Casas Ciria

@Wolven @Nonya_Bidniss

I consider the function of following labels to be of great value. It allows me to find information that interests me without having the desire to follow many people.

And if I want people to read me, then I must put the appropriate labels. 😉

Nonya Bidniss 🥥🌴

@cientounero How is this related to being able to limit people's responses to your posts? @Wolven

Fco Javier Casas Ciria

@Nonya_Bidniss @Wolven

Sorry, being a native of another language I believed that the most important part of the dissertation is finding information, not the controls to reduce answers


@Wolven adding on: I'd really like to limit visibility of my posts to people *I* follow, not those who follow me.

Ruby Jones

@Wolven 1000%

This is one of my top desires.


@Wolven it really does, also I think a lot of people wouldn't have problems with visibility if you could just control the randos in your mentions


@Wolven That's available on FB and I believe has saved me from tart responses on more than one occasion after I've poked the bear. Seems legit.


@Wolven I was thinking yesterday how I wished I could mute replies from people I don’t follow instead of having to manually mute or block all the reply guys that show up in a woman’s feed to explain to her how wrong she is. I’m sure this preference crosses into other user demos who tend to draw assoholic comments - as you’ve pointed out.


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