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To unpack some of the gender stuff: at the time I was sort of recloseted, even to myself.

But also, in spaces that are unbalanced like that ( 20something:1, and occasionally 20something:2 ) and especially places where people keep claiming there are no women, I sometimes kind of… gender “lock” out of spite?

I strongly dislike people using my fluidity as an excuse for them to maintain their gender stereotypes by picking out my gnc traits and ascribing it to the one it “matches”.

1 comment

@glitchontwitch Same, absolutely same. I'm using my "male" (Leonard) and "female" (Janis) names as well as both binary pronouns and happy about that.

But for those who I wouldn't consider friends, allies, or whatnot but maybe even downright transphobes: Don't "he/him" me! You better fully acknowledge my feminity.

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