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Scott Francis

If you are tracking employees’ mouse movements to see if they are working, you should just close up shop and go out of business, because you are effectively *paying them to move the mouse*. I can barely conceive of a bigger failure of management than this.

Scott Francis

I understand that metrics are often a (poor and imprecise) proxy for the outcomes you actually care about, but there is no universe where this makes any business sense at all.

Scott Francis

@mweagle our utter failure as a country to form a government that effectively regulates anything is a whole other depressing soapbox


@darkuncle i love my mouse jiggler.

Considering loading a slideshow of fullscreen screen captures of my various work applicarions to go along with it. 🙃

Tom Bortels


Even more importantly: you are both encouraging good employees to leave, and teaching those who don't that they must game the system. If you don't trust people to work independently, then don't hire them; as soon as you enter into an adversarial arrangement with your employees - you've failed, as you're focusing your time and attention on the wrong things.

Alper Çuğun-Gscheidel

@darkuncle Remote working asks a lot more from both employees and managers.

Most companies are in no way equipped to be able to get that increased performance from them so you get this stuff.

Mark Otway

@darkuncle The Cobra Effect has entered the chat.


@darkuncle "you're fired!"

"But I use vim..."


@darkuncle Surely there's a program that will fake mouse motions so I can watch a movie at work while the mouse motion tracker does its job?


@zdl @darkuncle Wrote a program called "MouseWiggle" 20 years ago. Very useful to avoid screen lock e.g. for sensitive tests.
But I see I could now earn loads of money!


@darkuncle surely your most productive employees are the ones that use the CLI and keyboard shortcuts and don't need to use the mouse?

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