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Ilya Zverev

Was shopping for a new laptop recently, and was astonished learning that virtually every laptop comes with a 100 € license for MS Windows. Which you cannot reimburse.

The only way to spend that hundred on two switch games or on a new mouse or whatever is to hunt for a No-OS laptop, which are rare and all booked for next several shipments.

So, hoping to receive my laptop in July.


@zverik but it's the no os laptop actually cheaper than the one with os, since they don't sell as many of them. And you are still not guaranteed that Linux runs well on it. There are a few good Linux laptop vendors out there that sell laptops which run Linux out of the box.

Ilya Zverev

@TheStroyer I'm getting a Thinkpad with an AMD GPU, so I think I'll be fine :)

By price, no-os = windows - 100 €, with all the parameters exactly the same.

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