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Ilya Zverev

So, the news is, HOT is now an Overture Maps contributor member (neither are on Mastodon).

That means paying half of what HOT pays OSMF for membership, and having an option to help Overture with stuff. So basically the same as in OSMF.

Idk why people take it as a betrayal. HOT was never an OSM organization, they share nothing with OSMF besides the map. And getting in the Overture team might help them with the network.

Ian Wagner šŸ¦€ :freebsd: :osm:

@zverik heh I guess Iā€™m blissfully ignorant of the latest drama ;) Either way, I see no problem with them joining. Both orgs have good reasons to exist.


@zverik Agree, let's see how it develops and let's not react with gut reactions here.

I believe the negative connotation folks have with Overture Maps transfers to this, too.

But to be fair looking at the announcement HOT put out there, they could have communicated better to guide people through their thought process and get buy-in (for lack of a better word).



Even the map needs a lot of cleaning up after HOT's had a go at it.

Ilya Zverev

@InsertUser Yes it does. Same could be said for most, if not all, large companies contributing to OSM.

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