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@frigginglorious @loke @vkc
With my Jellyfin server plus the Nebula open source private cloud (bit of a hassle to set up, but free) and my fast internet connection, we can watch our Jellyfin collection on Roku, iOS, Android, and PCs at home and anywhere else there's fast internet. I can't setup Nebula on ChromeOS so my kids can only watch from Chromebooks at home.

So, pretty cool.

The downside is that in order to have media that plays with high quality and low stuttering on low end devices, you either need a beefy server running Jellyfin to transcode on the fly *or* you have to make sure your content is all in a universal format. I set up a shell script that used ffmpeg to transcode 3 TB of films on a low end desktop over almost a year. Now everything is... MP4 with H264, eac3, and burned in subtitles.

1 comment
frigginGlorious ✅

@firebreathingduck @loke @vkc oh no, burned in close captioning is my personal nightmare. Though I don't agree with what you do, I'll defend to the death your right to do it!

So from what im seeing, jellyfin is a lot like Plex.

On the fly transcoding is such cool tech.

I forgot about nebula. I'll have to check it out one of these days.

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