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Alexander Hamizdat

@profoundlynerdy let me ask you something.

What's more valuable, human rights or property rights?

Profoundly Nerdy

@alexhammy Before I answer, may I ask how one is at odds with the other?

Alexander Hamizdat

@profoundlynerdy "I don't acknowledge a difference between the two" is totally a valid answer

Harbinger of Salem

@profoundlynerdy @alexhammy

Capitalism creates artificial stratification that corrupts democracies and republics; enabling batshit insane policies like money is speech and lies are protected speech. Human rights such as home ownership, decent medical care, decent employment and freedom from corporate sociopaths are self evidently more important than the right of wealth dragons to pile unlimited hoarda and indeed are self evidently so.

The counter question is which property right except home ownership could possibly counter any human right whatsoever?

@profoundlynerdy @alexhammy

Capitalism creates artificial stratification that corrupts democracies and republics; enabling batshit insane policies like money is speech and lies are protected speech. Human rights such as home ownership, decent medical care, decent employment and freedom from corporate sociopaths are self evidently more important than the right of wealth dragons to pile unlimited hoarda and indeed are self evidently so.

Alexander Hamizdat

@HarbingerOfSalem @profoundlynerdy if I own a piece a bread and someone who is at the brink of death from starvation steals it from me, were my rights violated or do I have a right to hoard bread at all?

Harbinger of Salem

@alexhammy @profoundlynerdy

Unless the theft harms equally starving children likely as not.

Alexander Hamizdat

@HarbingerOfSalem @profoundlynerdy I would say if kids are also starving all around me I definitely don't have a right to hoard bread.

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