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Kirsten has a good overview over who might be doing digital policies in the next 5 years in the #EU #Parliament.
Overall, center right has won seats and extreme right too, but not as much as feared.
Not great: we loose Pirate expertise on digital issues.
Good (personal) news: I will continue in the EP with the brilliant @alexandrageese
#europawahl #europeanelections


PS @zarasophos perhaps update this article with a mention of @SibylleBerg as potential digital policy-nerd in the EP?

Maximilian Henning

@kik1 @SibylleBerg Hey Kirsten, thanks for the heads-up. I concentrated on people who were already in the Parliament before, just because it was obviously much easier to get info on what they were working on so far. I might do a separate article focused on newcomers soon, let me know if you have any other people you think should be in that one!

Stefan Scholl

@kik1 @zarasophos They is a member of a satirical party. Don't expect anything.

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