1️⃣6️⃣ Here's the 16th installment of posts highlighting key new features of the upcoming v256 release of systemd.
(Sorry for dropping the ball on posting these for a while!)
The last feature I want to discuss in this series of postings is the new "capsule" concept of systemd v256.
systemd can be invoked in two contexts: as a system manager, i.e. PID 1, where it manages, well, the system. And as a user manager where it runs services for a specific user.
At any time on a single systemd machine you'll have 1 system manager and 0…n user managers running. This model is built around the traditional UNIX security model: UIDs are the primary security concept of the system, and thus we give each relevant UID a service scope of its own.
While the original purpose of the per-user service manager is to provide functionality for actual human users logging in interactively people have been using the concept for other purposes as well: