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Charles ☭ H


I tend to prefer higher density. Central Paris is about 5 stories high, is higher density than Tokyo and looks pretty nice.


@celesteh Preferring high density is fine, just that tall buldings are hard to maintain. You need specialized equipment, industrial pumps, load bearing foundations, they just don't scale well. In the USA in particular, their affordable housing programs come with the brilliant idea to allocate funds for construction, but then expect rent to pay for maintenance. A number of big public projects just fell apart from lack of maintenance and general corporate sabatoge.


@celesteh Mostly I learned that from someone who does um... a very good impression of a college professor, so my information might be incomplete and... maybe omitting some inconvenient facts. But I swear it's an awesome lecture on public housing:


@celesteh Also sorry for replying out of the blue. Everyone has to do that at least once!

Charles ☭ H


Yeah, the style of housing should be something that works well where it's deployed. Tall buildings work best in urban areas. Those super-high blocks have had problems in a lot of places, which is why I like to use Paris as a good example of moderate height in high density.

It's hard to build anything that resists intentional sabotage by people who face no consequences. A lot of British high rise blocks were badly constructed. Poor fire safety is an ongoing scandal.

Sr. Estegosaurio 🦕

@celesteh @cy I also think that ppl could be more distributed geographically speaking. Like instead of making enormous megalopolis that are not sustainable and not self sufficient. Why not try to spread across the land in smaller communities?

Charles ☭ H

@SrEstegosaurio @cy

As a tran, I'd much rather live in a city than be isolated, although it's really hard to do anything collaborative in London.

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