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Gold gab ich für Eisen

@cybertailor @iamada

Aha, Putin lays coordinates of every target, pulls every trigger and personally rapes every woman on this war. 0 days since somebody tried to sell us this old funny story.

Blocking visitors from Russia means excluding population heavily indoctrinated by Russian propaganda from normal resources.

Anyway it is a good idea to figure out why Mozilla did that. There could be different and very surprising answers.

:neocat__w: kbity...

@nanoelquant @iamada


All political decisions are made by Putin, and armed forces implement his will.


Russian people generally do not believe TV propaganda and do not have any opinion at all. That's what sociologists say.

Gold gab ich für Eisen

@cybertailor @iamada "Russian people (...) do not have any opinion at all"
So why do we need them here?

"That's what sociologists say"
Ahm... Sociology in Russia?

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