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Dr. Quadragon ❌

If all the shitstorm today is about @paniq's toot, please consider the fucking context, and separate it from what's actually being said for once, you people.

Paniq didn't come here often before Twitter buyout, so he may not know the specifics. And yes "Mastodon" not being the whole Fediverse is a specific that's hard to recognize for a novice.

The sentiment for normalizing asking people for their Fediverse address and starting conversations about it is a perfectly valid one.

Leonard Ritter

@drq there is no shitstorm. all is well. i had _one_ very healthy debate with a user about fediverse specifics.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@paniq From what I see it seems to have created a lot of subtooty kind of ambience though.

Doug Tabacco

@drq @paniq brb have to form a band named “subtooty ambience”. Alternatively, boat name.

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