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mekka okereke :verified:


Only correction, but an important one.

US school shooters don't get their guns "on the street."

Guns are extremely expensive. US school shooters are usually rich, white, men and boys (~85%) and use guns legally owned by their families.

I don't think people realize how expensive guns are, and how much US gun ownership is concentrated in rich, white, men.

As you look at this picture, realize that each AR 15 costs about $1000.00.


Jon Sullivan

@mekkaokereke @stux Wow. That photo! I just went to the photographer’s website and looked through their gallery of “Ameriguns” family portraits. It’s like the US is on another planet.

Jan-Willem Ruys

@joncounts Thank you for that link, absolutely stunned. Sometimes you really hope something is AI generated but I fear it’s not.

Jon Sullivan

@jruys Yes, AI was my first thought too, but no. Real Americans with real guns, captured by an Italian photographer. I’ve since read more about the project here in an article on My Modern Met:

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