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"Naming things" is just a semiotic proxy metric, the two real hardest problems in software are understanding yourself and understanding other people.

Ted Mielczarek

@mhoye false, those are simply the two hardest problems in *life*.

Kartik Agaram


"Know yourself and your enemy, and you'll win every battle.

"Know yourself but not the enemy, and for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

"Know neither the enemy nor yourself, and you will succumb in every battle."

-- Sun Tzu

Programming is just conflict by other means.


@akkartik My perspective on Sun Tzu changed dramatically when I realized that his whole oeuvre is a Dr. Seuss level book amounting to "Oh, The Battles You'll Wage", in which he patiently explains to the local aristo failsons how to not give away the kingdom by accident during Baby's First War.

Sean Blakey

@mhoye @akkartik Now I want to read Dr Seuss's illustrated Art of War.

Michal Migurski 🍉

@seanb @mhoye @akkartik “Appear star-bellied when you are plain-bellied and plain-bellied when you are star-bellied.”


@mhoye @munin "What am I trying to do? What are they're trying to achieve by making me do it? And why do they want me to do it in JavaScript?"


I thought the hardest problem was ignoring the project manager


@mhoye Wittgenstein’s _Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus_ is a programming book

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