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Holland 🏳️‍⚧️🚩🏴

@project1enigma @erinaceus @tek yeah, unfortunately afaik no part of western Europe has had a major disability rights movement. The ADA only became law because around 1990 a bunch of disabled folks put down their assistive devices/got out of their wheelchairs & CRAWLED up the steps of the US capitol, as well as holding mass public transit usages to force cities to recognize that they lack the infrastructure to address disabilities. It didn't appear bc ableds randomly had a flash of insight lol.

1 comment

@itsmeholland @project1enigma @erinaceus @tek
Only after I moved to Canada did I realize that the ADA, lacking as it is in enforcement etc, really is remarkable and uncommon

I was shocked to see the lack of basic disability requirements here

Pretty much the accessibility here is stuff that’s done to be in line with US models

I expected more

Direct action gets the goods

Interesting comparison with how the #disability rights movement in Canada was subverted by celebrity fundraising

@itsmeholland @project1enigma @erinaceus @tek
Only after I moved to Canada did I realize that the ADA, lacking as it is in enforcement etc, really is remarkable and uncommon

I was shocked to see the lack of basic disability requirements here

Pretty much the accessibility here is stuff that’s done to be in line with US models

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