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There are entire white papers on how to worsen people's impulse control to make impulse buys easier (wear them down) that acknowledge people without certain conditions are likely to never fall prey to these tactics, but those with them will so the cost is so low that folks with impaired impulse control make it completely worth it.

When trying to find a job after finishing my math degree the second category of jobs that were an immediate hard rejection (after building weapons) was jobs to design algorithms to utilize psychology research on gambling addiction and impulse control to keep people hooked without them realizing.

They didn't put it in those words of course - but the weapons design jobs also tried to hide what I would be doing too.


@deilann @tek 1000 percent sure temu (and not just singling a Chinese business out, amazon etc does it too with its cheap junk side, every store does it to a degree anymore) does this with hoarders/packrat types who don't have the official HD diagnosis but who behave as if they do

Unfortunately have lived experience living with one


@deilann @tek addiction/compulsion exploitation should be illegal as a business practice. I wouldn't say as far as establishing alcohol Prohibition or a total nicotine ban or a gambling ban or a shopping app ban etc - even though those products are all inherently problematic for addiction but I DEFINITELY would say as far as *none* of those things should be advertised or promoted in ways that worsen people's addictive/compulsive engagement, if that makes sense

@deilann @tek hell yeah, while we're at it let's show some love and boost Dave's reviews about business's exclusionary designs that don't allow disabled people in
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