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Lulu Powerful

@tek I'm the opposite. I have "poster blindness" for ads, especially if they appear in the same position all the time. I do get annoyed at popups, but I quickly dispense with them and charge ahead with whatever I'm maniacally researching.

As for TV/streaming, I look as though I'm watching the ads, but I'm actually looking "through" them, daydreaming. Most of the time, I can't tell you what I've just seen, or what is being advertised. I'm a nightmare for marketers. :D

1 comment
Jeremy List

@lulu_powerful @tek I'm the same. Undiagnosed but highly probable ADHD. Often poor impulse control but advertising isn't much of an issue in that regard because I literally can't even force myself to pay enough attention to it to figure out what's being advertised.

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