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mekka okereke :verified:


Again, I question the assumption that "VC" is bad, because by assets under management, the vast majority of VC money is controlled by Alt-Right, openly anti-democratic, anti-social, hyper capitalist, fascist adjacent men. These dudes make horrific, near genocidal decisions in everything they do.

The bad part of "nazi bank" is nazi, not bank. We need banks.

So I won't know if VC is bad until Eg, Black women get more than *checks notes* half of 1% of all VC assets to manage.

mekka okereke :verified:

If you squint at the definition of venture capital, then the National Science Foundation, is a publicly owned Venture Capital firm.🙂🙃

VC tries to claim credit for inventing the Covid vaccine, but that's a lie. The Moderna vaccine was made possible because of high risk, low potential for success, research into mRNA vaccines. That research was paid for by an NSF grant won by a Black woman, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett. She led the "Moderna" mRNA team.

She couldn't have raised VC.🤷🏿‍♂️

If you squint at the definition of venture capital, then the National Science Foundation, is a publicly owned Venture Capital firm.🙂🙃

VC tries to claim credit for inventing the Covid vaccine, but that's a lie. The Moderna vaccine was made possible because of high risk, low potential for success, research into mRNA vaccines. That research was paid for by an NSF grant won by a Black woman, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett. She led the "Moderna" mRNA team.


@mekkaokereke @adamgreenfield like tesla could not have opened a factory without a loan from Obama’s DoE or the basic structure of the internet depended on DARPA or …
There is no industrial capitalism without publicly funded R&D - back sice basic machine tools came from theUK navy yard in the 1700s


@vy @mekkaokereke @adamgreenfield we could go back to thomas paine giving all the money he made selling Common Sense to George Washington, who couldnt otherwise afford to start his army, and say the US wouldnt exist if it werent for one of the inventors of socialism


@vy @mekkaokereke @adamgreenfield we could also look at how the whigs used public money to fund the creation of the Erie Canal and say New York City became the epicenter it is today directly because of using public money for internal improvements


@mekkaokereke @adamgreenfield I have tried to be as informed as possible over the pandemic but had no idea of the origin of the Moderna COVID vaccine. Reading about it on her wiki page, of course there's some both sides-ing and inclusion of Fox "News" quotes. Sigh.


@mekkaokereke I returned to this thread after reading Nova’s thread about racism and capitalism’s intertwined history and I’d love to know more about your interpretation of that relationship, whenever.

The above magnificent toot makes it clear that your views on capitalism are more nuanced than many anti-capitalists on here (if I may be forgiven for generalizing, they’d uniformly see banks and money as problematic), that capitalism is bad when it abets racism (and misogyny and xenophobia and homophobia), but it’s unclear what a capitalism without those would look like. Am I oversimplifying your position or totally on the wrong track here?

(Well, we do have the existence proof of the Nordic market-socialist states that combine a vigorous capitalism with a rigorous regulatory arm and social safety net.)

@mekkaokereke I returned to this thread after reading Nova’s thread about racism and capitalism’s intertwined history and I’d love to know more about your interpretation of that relationship, whenever.

The above magnificent toot makes it clear that your views on capitalism are more nuanced than many anti-capitalists on here (if I may be forgiven for generalizing, they’d uniformly see banks and money as problematic), that capitalism is bad when it abets racism (and misogyny and xenophobia and homophobia),...

mekka okereke :verified:


Right now I have more questions than answers to some of these things. But I don't even trust my theories without seeing them in practice. I want to learn by doing, hence the co-op kick, and getting non-sociopaths to GP their first funds.


@mekkaokereke thanks for these honest thoughts! Co-ops are so cool. There’s Igalia in Spain that does a ton of TC39 and browser work, and of course the Mondragon cooperative is synonymous with the Basque region. I’ve also visited Bologna and talked with folks who study the huge co-ops in the Emilia-Romagna region in norther Italy. I have to make my way out to Oakland and visit Arizmendi. I loved working for an employee-owned tech shop and agree they’re an understudied part of the American tech scene.

Looking forward to your findings 🙇 thank you for your hard work as always

@mekkaokereke thanks for these honest thoughts! Co-ops are so cool. There’s Igalia in Spain that does a ton of TC39 and browser work, and of course the Mondragon cooperative is synonymous with the Basque region. I’ve also visited Bologna and talked with folks who study the huge co-ops in the Emilia-Romagna region in norther Italy. I have to make my way out to Oakland and visit Arizmendi. I loved working for an employee-owned tech shop and agree they’re an understudied part of the American tech scene.

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