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Timnit Gebru (she/her)

#TigrayGenocide, the worst genocide of the 21st century, has been the single most disturbing event in my lifetime. Not only this genocide, but also seeing the ease with which so many people deny it, with so much anger towards those who have the audacity to even mention the genocide.

Timnit Gebru (she/her)

The fact that a genocide of this proportion has been executed with such little media coverage & that the likes of Last Week Tonight had ZERO interest in even mentioning it a single time, regardless of how many angles I gave them, is something I will never forget.


@timnitGebru unfortunately, there is a built in bias that what happens to Africans does not matter. Some how Africans are not treated as fully human and it is just accepted that conditions on the continent are bad.

One does not accept the fact that this all originated with colonialism.

Frankly, it turns my stomach

Yeshaya Lazarevich

@timnitGebru right now it doesn't feel like the 21st century is turning out any better than the 20th. I still remember hoping that it would

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