
I have been on Spotify with an albums for 9 years now. This gave me 9,78€ so far, which I'd have to share with the band members from back then.

Since the record was released in 2015, we were able to sell CDs back then. Approx. 1/3 of our audience had a CD player still, and for the rest we provided Bandcamp download codes. It was possible to pay the recording this way.

Recording as a service is one of the things I offer professionally today, but musicians don't buy this no more. Since Streaming has killed the CD almost entirely, most musicians cannot afford a recording engineer any more.

But already in 2015, people told me: I cannot listen to your record, it is not on iTunes. So they simply ignored it.

It's not Spotify's fault alone. It's also the listeners who don't give a fuck about putting any effort into collecting music, buying music, finding music, etc.