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Matthew Fennell

@dma @Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer

I'm sorry to burst the bubble, but the same thing could well happen here too, depending on how #Ofcom interprets the #OnlineSafetyAct.

Despite amendments being raised, no explicit statement was put in the act explicitly protecting end-to-end encryption. So, I fear we are likely to end up with #ClientSideScanning here too.

IIRC, there were similar carve outs for MPs etc. here too, although I could be wrong, my memory is hazy!

1 comment
dominic :verified_paw:

@matthew @Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer I'm slightly optimistic about the requirement that client scanning be feasible (not in the written legislation but in the guidance to Ofcom) before it's enforced. however that optimism is somewhat tempered by the rise in on device AI, and the possibility that it's seen as a feasible approach.

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