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I always wonder how one can be so incredibly dense to not understand that criminals don't care about making tools illegal. Do they imagine this to be their reasoning:
"Yeah I used to be a hitman. But now legal apps are scanning texts for indicators of murder. I'm not switching to illegal apps to communicate with my clients, that's a line I simply will not cross."

I'll have emigrated before this enters into force, but the precedent it could set scares me. This normalises CCP crap.


@kainisenni @Mer__edith Absolutely this. To anyone who is tech savvy there are ways of sharing data that are secure. This policy is quite simply surveillance of the masses.


I wanna add that this is not necessarily at criticism of the concept of European integration. And this is also not a European problem. People who don't know what they are doing are everywhere.
My (Dutch) government would 100% implement this if it wasn't an EU competency thing. They like using AI that assumes guilty until proven innocent. Nowhere is safe from incompetents being in places they shouldn't be.

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