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Angela Scholder

@Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer My Signal account is on my UK mobile number, but since Brexshit my mobile operator has screwed us in that we can not call without an EU bundle, and then the EU bundle isn't seen as a paid event. So, basically the only thing we can do is top-up within the 180 days.
We clearly need to switch mobile operator.
But, maybe my Signal account might remain unaffected.
Client side scanning would be the beginning of Chinese practices is the EU.

Json Doh

@AngelaScholder @Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer
Would switching to a username solve the foreign mobile number problem?

Angela Scholder

@jdoe @Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer No idea.
I would expect that there still would be a mobile number at the base of the account for reconnecting, transfer, etc.

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