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@Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer EU citizens, a timely reminder that you will be able to vote for your member of Parliament in about a week

This problematic law is coming from the Council (the upper house of the EU legislative branch representing the member governments)

It can be stopped by either the Parliament (the lower house of the EU legislative branch, representing the people) or the Commission (the EU executive branch, over whose composition the Parliament has some influence)

MEPs have power

vetehinen is there any information available on what the stance of the various European parliament groups is on the issue?

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 🇺🇦

@eob @Mer__edith @echo_pbreyer

There are #EuropeanElections next week. It would be very helpful if somebody could provide a list of positions of each candidate on the proposed legislation.

Patrick Breyer

@mcepl @eob @Mer__edith We managed to convince all groups to support a European Parliament position that excludes #ChatControl and protects encryption. But when it comes to allowing industry to snoop voluntarily (#ChatControl 1.0), Parliament is divided. Check out this vote on it:

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