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Brodie Robertson

Don't forget that the MV3 deprecation hasn't gone anywhere,

June 2024 is when Google will begin to disable MV2 extensions, this is supposed to start happening during Chrome 127 which is currently making its way through the dev channel

SweetAI Belle :sweetunsure:

Given that I switched to Firefox probably more than a year ago now because of this issue, I haven't forgotten!

Real question is why so many people are still using Chrome.

Vint Prox


No better time to be supportive to the users of unfortunate #Chromium browsers by directing to something not as contrived. For example, instead of drowning #ManifestV3 altogether we could look at the implementations like Firefox that retain compatibility with #ManifestV2 and don't ruin the effective use of ad blocking features. Way to keep extension development modern, all the while disregarding #Google's terrible mistake.

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