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One of the unexpected joys of the fediverse over other places is the addition of weird domains appended on to everyone's usernames.

It makes the web feel like more than just four websites again.

It's both a signal of a smaller more intimate internet and also a larger and far more diverse internet at the same time!

Les Orchard

@JacksonBates Yaaassss, all the domain names and how odd they get is one of my favorite things!

the entire reason i'm running on this domain, to be perfectly honest

@JacksonBates absolutely. I've been thinking about setting up my own personal instance just to have a custom handle like that. It's definitely a cool feature of a decentralized platform like this.


@JacksonBates Oh my goodness yes, it's such a delight!


@JacksonBates it's amazing isn't it. It's given the internet it's personality back for sure!


@JacksonBates I hope you read that signal correctly. Smaller and more diverse sound dreamy if not a bit conflicted.

Magnifique M. Miaou

@JacksonBates I was just chatting with my friend @indygwyn on this exact topic. Completely agree.


@JacksonBates half the people here have personal websites too!

tulpa :fedora: :GrapheneOS:

@JacksonBates I found a Chinese Mastodon instance called Made me laugh.

L.J. is the cis Minipang

@JacksonBates I relate to this so much as someone who bought a quirky domain name ( on a whim and eventually set up a whole instance for it 😂

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