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Jack William Bell


Am I the only one wondering why he didn't ALSO complain about Apple deleting the headphone port and requiring manufacturers to use an expensive, due to Apple's licensing requirements, and incompatible solution?

In my mind the problem lies with Apple. Not with the people figuring out workarounds for Apple breaking their existing wired headphone business.


@fraggle It's not the port, it's the licensing fee. """While Apple doesn't issue a price sheet publicly it's been widely reported as $4 per lightning connector - and that in the past it's been as much as $10 per device. Feb 1, 2020""" @jackwilliambell


@trouble @jackwilliambell that doesn't make much sense because the devices described in the story still use lightning connectors

Jack William Bell

@fraggle @trouble

They aren't paying for the audio port license and chip. (Yeah, it requires a special chip to decode the audio.) Turns out a Bluetooth chip is cheaper.

ETA: I misspoke. The chip is to authenticate the adapter. But the power lines are always up even if you don't authenticate.

Related: See European Commission proposed laws to require all electronic devices to support USB-C – this anti-competitive move by Apple is one of the reasons.

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