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raganwald 🍓


Forget all this talk of "remote towns" for a moment. How many of these are for sale on Amazon right now?

Hubert Figuière

@raganwald @fraggle Remote town?????

The OP (the one screenshoted) has a very bigoted take.

I bought one of these at the pharmacy around the corner in the second biggest city in the country: Canada. I didn't realise it was Bluetooth until I read that post. And the UI should already have betrayed that fact.

@hub @raganwald @fraggle

How would it betray that, if Bluetooth is turned off?

Asking for a friend. (I'd certainly have had the same problems)

Hubert Figuière

@glitzersachen @raganwald @fraggle I didn't say Bluetooth was off. I just said that instead of just working it asked me to "connect". See


@hub @raganwald What would you say is an example of bigotry in the text?

Hubert Figuière

@fraggle @raganwald it's hard to quote images but "preying on the technical ignorance of remote town".

And the superiority complex tone of "I have programmed for Bluetooth stack" .

I felt the overall tone was dismissive.

Robby Andrews

@raganwald @fraggle I've purchased more than one counterfeit Apple product on Amazon. They've somewhat cracked down but still allow third-party sellers to push their faux Apple wares.

Jimmy Havok

@Chewyrobbo @raganwald @fraggle Are you saying that cheap headphones are faux Apple? That Apple owns the concept of headphones?

Robby Andrews

@jhavok @raganwald @fraggle Huh? I'm not sure how you inferred that's what I was saying. I am saying that third party sellers are pushing Apple look-alike products that trick people into thinking they're buying genuine Apple.

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