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Royce Williams

@maehem Fantastic! I had never heard of this! Big fan of Sun hardware, big fan of small compute, so this hits a real sweet spot for me!

Will there be more pictures, uploads of the schematics, etc? 🤩

Mark J Koch ✅

@tychotithonus Might make a Wikipedia page for it. Don't know if that's considered appropriate. Otherwise might make a GIT repo for the docs. Tips from others regarding suitable places to upload these things are welcome.

Royce Williams

@maehem I think the GitHub idea is a good one. The only wrinkle on the Wikipedia side is that pages are expected to draw on primary resources, rather than being a primary resource themselves. As the likely foremost authority on this device, if you publish something definitive about it, and can list any other links to other info on the Internet about it as well, then someone else without a conflict of interest, can create the Wikipedia article and cite your reference and the references you know of.

Mark J Koch ✅

@tychotithonus Yep. That's what I was thinking. So maybe just a quiet GitHub repo with what I have.

Mark J Koch ✅

@tychotithonus Love how the Javastation/Fox short blurb is not fully accurate. Will have to address that with some tales from the dark side. ;)

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