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Grigory Shepelev

I was missing #clojure -alike data structures (immutable vectors and hash-tables) and basic operations on them (get, get-in, assoc, assoc-in, update, update-in) and a basic atom operations (ref, reset!, swap!) a lot in #Guile #Scheme.

So much that I have to write a library for it

:lisp: :clojure:

3 comments$:idle:

@shegeley Nice work! Thanks for sharing, Clojure was my first Lisp so I often feel like I'm missing some of these functions.

I stumbled across #lokke a while back, haven't tried it yet -- I think it's more focused on being a #clojure dialect on top of #guile but could be of interest to you?

Grigory Shepelev

@shtwzrd I saw. I didn't get how to extract only; this parts that I need from it. clojureism is very small. I'm not trying to get everything from clojure

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