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Ilya Zverev

Starting tomorrow, Level0 editor, as well as few lesser-known services such as OSM imagery browser or the Offset Database frontend, will be temporarily non-functional, due to OAuth1 deprecation (see @osm_tech ).

I have not migrated my server in time, and it will take up to a month, provided I don't get other urgent tasks.

This is on me, for the past half a year I chose to spend my free 4 days a month on getting @everydoor ready for the Summer, not on devops.


Please go out and map :)

json singh

@zverik can i offer some help?
DevOps is not my primary skill but I have setup servers, plus I want to learn!

Ilya Zverev

@jsonsingh I have almost got to writing an Ansible role for Level0, but I would also need porting for PHP code:

I doubt I could share the workload on writing ansible roles, because they highly depend on the current configuration and need choices only I can make.

But updating the source code to PHP 8 and OAuth2 is a thing anybody can do :) So I'd appreciate help with that.

json singh

@zverik ahh but i have zero knowledge on PHP 🥲

OpenStreetMap Ops Team

@zverik Continued support of OAuth1a was a heavy burden on the code maintainers. The code was poorly understood and had issues with continued upstream library support. OAuth1 (not 1a) is known insecure. codebase has been rapidly improving in 2024, some tough choices needed to be made.

Ilya Zverev

@osm_tech Sure, I understand that and support your decisions. That tweet wasn't an attack, just a heads-up :) Migration is going relatively fine rn, maybe by mid-June the new Level0 will be up.

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