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Marquis de Geek

Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans?

If so, I have you covered!

I wrote this simple app where you type in a size (e.g. 1.2 meters) and it will output more useful units, e.g. "It is almost exactly the length of 7 medium-size bananas"

Martin EA7KRC

Oddly enought they dont refer to 20m band as 65.5 ft band....


@marquisdegeek I think it is extremely difficult to go against the mainstream.

I live in a metric country, but there are some things that are almost always given in non-metric units, such as power of vehicles.

For me it's extremely difficult to be metric-only, when everyone else (e. g. vehicle manufacturers) is feeding me non-metric data (e. g. through badges and spec sheets) that I have to convert first.

Same with dates ... I always try to use ISO 8601 dates when no date format is specified.


@marquisdegeek That kind of helps, though 2 meters still sounds small as hell.

okanogen TheEnemyFromWithin

TBF, every measuring system is arbitrary, and while I admire the simplicity of the metric system, there are practical reasons to use many imperial measurements. I mean, sure you can bake a cake with 6 grams of salt and 15ml of vanilla, but why break out the scale and graduated cylinder when the teaspoon and tablespoon are right there?


@marquisdegeek I look forward to a similar Fahrenheit to Celsius converter, and vice versa.

CodeByJeff - Now with AI! you guys ever get tired of this shit?

We use metric in far more places than you realize, and understand it where we don't use it

We use 2 liter bottles for soda

We run 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m & 3200m in track, and 5k & 10k in road races

We measure large things in metric tonnes

The fact that you don't even know this shows what obnoxious, know-it-all idiots you are

Yamakyu This is awesome :gachi: If I may, I think it would be nice to be able to measure things in "large boulder the size of a small boulder". I think it's a very convenient unit :yotsuba_pleased:

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