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This has been posted before, but it needs to be shared widely. Two websites have lost my money today, and all potential future purchases.


@StopForTea Enough of THAT shit from a website and I will block them myself.

Note that runing off javascript will disable a lot of paywalls and adwalls, though some sites use JS to load the text too. The only legitimate reason for a site to do that is when text files are so long browsers use up too much RAM or crash from trying to load the whole thing at once.

Computers these days are so big a well written browser could probably handle the Sunday Washington Post as a single long string of text. Certainly a pdf would be no problem...

@StopForTea Enough of THAT shit from a website and I will block them myself.

Note that runing off javascript will disable a lot of paywalls and adwalls, though some sites use JS to load the text too. The only legitimate reason for a site to do that is when text files are so long browsers use up too much RAM or crash from trying to load the whole thing at once.


@LukefromDC I actually don't care much about the ads themselves, if not intrusive, but I think the tracking etc without the knowledge ,explicit and willing consent of the victim is akin to stalking and should carry prison time.


@StopForTea The ads themselves are enough to agitate me, and the tracking I consider an outright threat given that cops can and do buy this data.

The Great Llama :fuck_verify:

Pretty simple interaction in my opinion.

No, I won't be watching your ads. If you chose to break your website as a response, then your website is broken.


@StopForTea I have this reoccurring nightmare where the website is able to do something back.

Clark W Griswold until 25-Dec

@StopForTea there’s a saying that the party with the upper hand in a negotiation is the one willing to walk away. You’re proving it true. Great work.


@paco Thanks Paco but it won't make a difference to these grubby scroats until millions of us do it, or tracking is made illegal and seriously enforced.


@StopForTea : same goes for "either pay in money to browse our website, or browse for free but pay in private data". How about I don't browse your website at all ?

cognitively accessible math

@StopForTea I don't even care that it doesn't makea difference to them. It's an easy "Oh, I don't have to see that, then! Less time distracted by the Internet!" decision.


@StopForTea look I get some sites needing to make money in some form to stay online… but I just not sure what the best solution here is. I know BAT tried to solve this, but crypto and shitty owner etc(getting off track here). I think if we had some sorta browser tipping system kinda like that, but then all the different currencies… ugh its just so complicated, and I don’t want to pay a monthly patreon just because I might only liked that one post and might not come back.

Idk… it’s complicated and wish there was an easy solution.

@StopForTea look I get some sites needing to make money in some form to stay online… but I just not sure what the best solution here is. I know BAT tried to solve this, but crypto and shitty owner etc(getting off track here). I think if we had some sorta browser tipping system kinda like that, but then all the different currencies… ugh its just so complicated, and I don’t want to pay a monthly patreon just because I might only liked that one post and might not come back.


@hack13 I have no problem with ads themselves. I object to the tracking.

Pedro Mendes

@StopForTea I keep doing this all the time, at least one website per day. Their loss...

Craig Groeschel

I have had a couple Web sites spam me with captchas, and my reaction was the same: Goodbye. I will find a different supplier to do business with.


@StopForTea #Instagram long ago was a happy site to share family photos and holiday snaps, you could control who saw your pics and what you followed. Now it is a mess of adverts and selling, plus Meta and Threads trying to creep in. In addition the most innocuous posts get spiteful comments and crticism. People are just overall nasty. Cancelled yesterday.

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