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Kate Morley

In the same way most of us say “goodbye” without realising it derives from “god be with ye”, maybe one day people will end conversations with “likensubscribe”

Martin Vuillème /vɥ-iɛm/

@sarajw @kate lichen subscribe? I'm in for this mosstodon variant!


@sarajw @MartinVuilleme @kate leee-chen with a soft ch is how I instinctively say it, but I’m not english, so…

Dallas (Join Something IRL)

@sarajw @kate

Future people: "What even is a "Lichen chair"?"


@kate ‘subscribe to our Patreon’ for formal occasions


@Clare @kate

"Unsubscribe" or "swipe right" as parting curse words.


@passenger @Clare @kate making the gesture in the air to someone’s back after they turn away. With two fingers for emphasis.

CynAq 🤘

@kate “click the bell icon so you’ll never miss a new video” part will be more difficult to roll off the tongue


@kate In Irish people said "Dia duit" for "Hello". "Dia duit" literally means "God be with you" too.

Stege 🐃

@kate or a hrathwarming "nfolloblock" if the conversation did not end well 🙃

Skye \ Uzi :flag_transgender:

@kate oh interesting, english has that kind of common phrase too

russian has spasibo, which means thank you, comes from spasi bog / asking god to save them essentially

3 Player Politics

@kate my 10yo son told me today that the maker of his Transformers toy call it a blaster not a "g-u-n" so that "they don't get de-monitized"


@3PlayerPolitics @kate technically not incorrect, it just predates youtube/internet since it was for kids television.


I think I heard of some small kids that were given YT to spend time with doing exactly that.

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐜𝐚 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇺🇦

@baltakatei @kate 'bye' is to 'goodbye' what 'bel' is to 'plikenscribenbel'
(bye bye === benbel)


@rebeccafinn @kate Maybe that could be the response.

A: Likensubsribe.

B: Ringdabell!


@proedie there is already a whole "ring my bell" song by Anita Ward. 😁 @rebeccafinn @kate

Michael Richardson

@rebeccafinn @kate Just translate to German and then Back first.

Kay Ohtie

@kate I bristled uncomfortably at this

Oh no

Chris Real


Well, everybody on youtube, including the AI, already does . . .

Rich Felker

@kate You're way behind the times. 😂

Steven Sandoval

@kate O Plikenscribe, O Plikenscribe, O Plikenscribe, I prithee. 🎄 #simlish


@kate Reminds me of a post I saw somewhere recently where someone suggested that “chat” (like twitch chat) had the potential to evolve into English’s first designated 4th person noun.

@TheSmollestofBeans @kate that reminds me of a reply i saw on tumblr recently (will try to find the link) where someone pointed out that the "4th person pronoun" use of chat is literally just a collective noun. not like a prescriptivist "its this because i say it is" either, the grammatical concept of "collective noun" perfectly describes what is happening here. what does "4th person" even mean??

EDIT: tumblr's deeply stupid search function won't show me the post. Hopefully a description of the event by the guy who originally took umbrage with it will suffice.
@TheSmollestofBeans @kate that reminds me of a reply i saw on tumblr recently (will try to find the link) where someone pointed out that the "4th person pronoun" use of chat is literally just a collective noun. not like a prescriptivist "its this because i say it is" either, the grammatical concept of "collective noun" perfectly describes what is happening here. what does "4th person" even mean??
Zuri (he/him) 🕐 CET

@TheSmollestofBeans @kate Sounds to me a little like the choir in old Greek theater


@dragonarchitect @kate Xe propose that we all start doing this immediately and get ahead of the curve. Haha.

Zuri (he/him) 🕐 CET

@dragonarchitect @kate That's the one, most likely to evolve in one speakable and rememberable word


@kate My 7yo says 'send!' when passing a card in a card game.


@kate Get more mileage out of “Momento Mori”… ;)

Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

@kate When parting from friends after a night out: Hi’thable!


@kate something like this already happening with youth attaching ".exe" to indicate a poisonous or bad version of a thing/character. It probably stems from "don't open if it ends in .pdf.exe" or similar warnings regarding email attachments but seems to have gained a completely detached cultural meaning.


@kate pronouncing UwU could also be considered in the ballpark - while people are aware of the original emoticon meaning, it has also become a word.

Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

Oh? I only know “<person name>.exe stopped working” as comment to situations where a person is speechless, and that clearly stems from a Windows error message.



@scatty_hannah @kate I think it came from “SONIC.EXE”. I want to say prior to that becoming big on YouTube, part of the joke was it was a supposedly innocent looking Sonic game to start with, but maybe I’m completely wrong

lunya (cute) :neocat_floof: pretty sure the exe bs started from that one sonic creepypasta

That said

Lunya.tar.gz when


@kate Gotta work in that 'hit the bell' phrase some how, but I agree.

Mikal with a k


Somewhere in the future I suspect "linkinbio" might find a niche as well.


@Mikal @kate it’ll be the thing to say when you hand someone a business card… or wave your phone at them for the comparable NFC transfer

Federico Damián Schonborn

@kate likensub everyone, I'm going to take a nap

Stark Potano

And maybe most of photos in the future will have people open their mouths and look surprised just like those in YT thumbnails.


@kate my 8-year-old tells me to “smash that like button”. so i have a gesture for that.

hypha - a fungus element

@kate i can’t tell if the “goodbye” part is serious or not


@kate So, Buh-Bye becomes Scruh-Scribe?


@kate There's a Simpsons game where if you tap one of the Barts he says "I can't believe I replaced 'goodbye' with 'smell ya later'!"

Teaceratops/GameDev Mum

@kate my kid already does this. I don’t know if it’s the echolalia, or a joke, tbh it could be either with her.


@kate The current generation of children already say--to themselves--things like, "Hi, I'm <name> and we're going to build a Lego house today." Then, when they stop playing with a particular thing, "Thanks for watching my stream, remember to like and subscribe." It's eerie.

Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

@kate this is the funniest stuff I've seen today

Tim M

@kate I have been known to end a rant with an internal mental chorus of Adam Buxton's "Like and Subscribe" closing theme tune from his podcasts

George Borewell

And a hearty likenscribe to you too!


@kate this will age like Roman concrete

Deathmaster Megalodon Ultrakill 9000

@kate i thought goodbye was the opposite of evilbye which is what you say to someone you hate unless you were being sarcastinc then you still say goodbye


@kate There is a Robert Sheckley (IIRC) novel where people are greeting and parting with ad slogans and there was a social stigma if one didn’t use the correct slogan or something like that. Great novel! I’ll update the post if I find it.

Jon Hancock

@kate @CultureDesk I've certainly heard of kids referring to adverts as "skip-ads" because of YouTube.

Mister Moo 🐮

@kate Before we do that, can we do away with saying "bless you" when someone sneezes?

Aaron Hockley

@kate @anildash I keep thinking if I had a nature video channel I'd call it Lichen Subscribe.


@kate You just reminded me of "kthxbai", though that wasn't so much a verbal thing.

Or we could go retro and start answering phone calls with "Ahoy-hoy".

Stygian Lizard

@mathew @kate I thought BRB or "birb" was gonna take off and fill this niche, but it's definitely faded. Birbs are now what folks call birds.


@kate We are on this path. likensubscribe.

Jonas Möller Nielsen

@kate So just saying “bye” is the non religious version then?


@kate “Smashlton“ - Smash that like button

cybik :deifirev:

@kate eugh. now I need to find a different way to say that.


@kate hello at the beginning of a conversation is replaced with helb. Hit Early Like Button

Jacob Ibáñez :verified:

@kate oh I didn't know this, in Spanish and Catalán is the same, but way more obvious

Daniel Sofer :kyoto:

@kate I read about a ~5yo kid who watched a lot of YouTube and started using "please subscribe to my channel" as a salutation 😂

Peter Oram

@kate @GulfCoastJake I always say “gesundheit” when someone sneezes to avoid “[god] bless you”. (Although it’s not a perfect solution, since there are links between heit/health and holy.)
Does this mean I need to say Cheerio instead of Goodbye?! Or the old-fashioned Australian word “Hooray/Hooroo”?


@kate @anildash

“Lichen-sub, Scribe”

“And also with you”

Gemma 👽

Or "Link simbio!"

"What does that even mean, they'll ask. Someone will remember archaic spelling "links in bio", but no recollection of what it meant...


@kate I bet the sub part would be dropped to make "likenscribe." and people would get the etymology confused and think it means "I enjoy what we wrote together."

Orion (he/him)

@kate I've read that we can't confirm its "god be with ye." Not that that affects your point!

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