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Glenn Fleishman

@clive I'm beside myself. While I know GOP voters say it doesn't matter…guilty on all 34 counts will have an impact on critical swing voters in a lot of places. I think he just lost the election.

Clive Thompson


It will be damn interesting to see how this shakes out yeah

Glenn Fleishman

@clive Earlier today, the NYT’s Cohn wrote a story about how polling for Biden looks worse on its face than it is. Now, the Dems are readying a multi-billion dollar “not a criminal” ad campaign for Biden.

Space Hobo Actual

@glennf @clive My "not a convicted felon" shirt is prompting a lot of questions already answered by the shirt.

abracadabra holmes

@glennf @clive if I'm not mistaken, this opens the door wider for the Feds to move in on Federal Election Crimes.

Then again, I don't see how it wasn't already wide enough


@glennf @clive if so, will that mean that illegal acts interfered with an election? This is a bit like season 2 of Dark.

Le Monolecte 😷🤬🐧


Ça va suffire pour épargner le reste du monde de son retour aux manettes ?


@clive @Monolecte Libé dit que non, y a l'appel et les élections il peut même se gracier si il perd l'appel mais gagne les élections, pour l'instant y a pas de mur.

Alex M. Dunne :ally:


During the debate next month #Biden should just hold that up as a poster...


@clive seen on foxnews. Sorry about the bike ads...


@tersenurse @clive Those look like they’re all the same bike. Why are the discounts so different?


@clive I honestly did not expect that. I'm pleased to be wrong!

Now let's see if it sticks. Being somewhat of a cynic he'll worm his way out of any serious consequences at the very least while he appeals.

I'm hoping to be wrong about that as well!

Clive Thompson


Agreed, the question is what happens with appeals

Dan Neuman

@clive What did Fox say??

Edit: Thanks @tersenurse for your answer in comments. It was kind of anticlimactic.

Clive Thompson


We've been watching it, and thus far the folks on Fox 5 seem to be taking the verdict pretty seriously -- not referring to it as "rigged", as Trump does, etc

Their coverage may quickly evolve, but that's what's happening in the news dept there

Dan Neuman

@clive Yes, the actual news room is reasonably professional. IIRC, that changes after 6pm.

Time / Nick

@clive never been so happy to see so much red…

Flaming Cheeto

@clive As the Fox pundits say, "look at all that red"

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