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Daniel Lakeland


Experience tells me "international law" is a complete farce. Whoever has enough might to enforce it can use it to crush their enemies. Whoever has enough might to avoid it is never bothered by it. You might as well call it the "international charging of Africans court"


@dlakelan @ZachWeinersmith International law is a lot more than the international criminal court, but if that's the only metric you're using to judge it, yeah it's basically a failure.

Daniel Lakeland

@gutsquasher @ZachWeinersmith

Almost all law is failure (or, if you're a powerful and rich person, it's a success). To the extent that the law benefits most people, Anarchists would do it anyway. to the extent that the police are needed to come in and smash skulls and shoot people it's because the law is oppression.

I used to think law was a great thing, and "government of laws not of men" was a real ideal. Reading James Scott, and David Graeber and such changed that view entirely.

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