Leg 3 of our trip in progress :).
We are currently in Prince Rupert(54°18′46″N, 130°19′31″W), to do laundry, re-stock on a few things, before we head off into SE Alaska.
Leg 3 of our trip in progress :). We are currently in Prince Rupert(54°18′46″N, 130°19′31″W), to do laundry, re-stock on a few things, before we head off into SE Alaska. 7 comments
I broke off Leg 3 in two, finally, just because it didn't show the same amount of detail as the other maps.
I've also added the names of our stops, as well as the amount of nautical miles between each stop. So far, we've done 623 nautical miles, from Victoria to Prince Rupert.